by Alisa Gross | Nov 24, 2014 | Teaching
This is a guest post by Steven Lubar. Dr. Lubar is a professor of American Studies at Brown, who teaches in the public humanities department. This post originally appeared on his blog, “On Public Humanities,” on June 5, 2014. How do the humanities change...
by Alisa Gross | Nov 20, 2014 | EdTech
Video is changing the landscape of how people learn. The statistics are out: According to an Edudemic article by Katie Lepi, video is four times more compelling than static content alone. As part of learning pedagogy, video doesn’t merely enhance engagement and...
by Alisa Gross | Nov 19, 2014 | Teaching
Jennifer Ahern Dodson is an Assistant Professor of the Practice in Writing Studies and Director of Outreach and the Thompson Writing Program Director of Language Arts and Media Program at Duke University. Her research focuses on writing-to-learn pedagogies, composing...
by Alisa Gross | Nov 12, 2014 | EdTech, Teaching
“A peer review can be a very mysterious process, and certainly a scary one, which is why we need to talk more about how it’s done.”- Wyn Kelley, Lecturer, Literature, MIT One of the most powerful means of encouraging student engagement and learning is through peer...
by Alisa Gross | Nov 11, 2014 | Teaching
Over the past few years, Acclaim has collaborated with the Horn Program of Entrepreneurship at the University of Delaware. Like the program, we share a commitment to helping students leverage their creative strengths through entrepreneurship, and a belief that...